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A gift that lasts a lifetime..

Girl putting on goggles

Its nearly here, that time of year that is filled with fun, laughter, caring and sharing.

We all buy presents for loved ones at Christmas but can be very difficult to buy something for those little ones. So… why not buy them the gift that will last them a lifetime, swimming lessons.

Learning to swim should be a major part of all children’s lives, it can be a fun sport to take part in but it can also be a life saving tool. Records show that more incidents are happening yearly now then years before.

We have a range of lessons from Baby Courses, Toddlers Lessons, Pre-school lessons, School Age lessons to Adult lessons. All members joining a swimming lesson are offered a FREE trial lesson (Not including Baby Courses), this gives you the opportunity to come and try before you buy.

So, don’t delay and book today!!

Jump Right In

01527 821 978

Call now to book your swimming session!