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Finding activities for young children with the current restrictions in place.

COVID Safe Baby Swimming Courses

This year has really been difficult to say the least and it has really impacted on the things you can ‘normally’ do with children.

Learning to swim has been a part of most children’s lives growing up and at Chessgrove we have been able to continue to offer our lessons for children of all ages whenever we have been able to.

We have spent time using the guidelines sent from the UK’s leading Swimming Awarding bodies to help us to ensure the safety of our service for our customers.

This year alone children have lost so much of their normal life that it was a real driving force for the team and I to ensure we could offer our lessons to give the children something that is as close to normal for them as possible.

We have received so much positive praise from our current customers as for how well we are doing to keep everyone safe.

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01527 821 978

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